Oct. 18 – Celebrate Mental Health with Active Minds!

Join us on Friday, Oct. 18, for an opportunity to celebrate and promote the acceptance of mental illness, and the importance of taking care of your mental health. The purpose of this event is for students to share their stories in regard to mental health and mental illness, and to participate in activities catered toward taking care of yourself and your mental health. Along with activities, we’ll provide participants with information regarding the resources both on and off campus that exist to support students and their mental heath.

Mental Health Speak Out:

Start Date: 2019-10-18.
Start Time: 06:00PM.
End Time: 07:00PM.
Location: Merrick Hall, Room 204.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Active Minds.
Contact: Alexa Szczepanski at activeminds@owu.edu