Oct. 16 – Audition for “Medusa’s Tale” Senior Project Production

Auditions for the senior project production of Carol S. Lashof’s “Medusa’s Tale” will take place over zoom on Oct. 16 from 4-9pm. All that is required is a 1-2 minute dramatic monologue, preferably contemporary. Unfortunately due to the nature of this production we are limiting auditions to only those who are planning to be on campus next semester.

If you have already auditioned for/are involved in the senior project production of “Woyzeck, Inc.” know that you are encouraged to audition for as many productions as you wish. There will be much discussion behind the scenes as to how we can best respect all of your time and talent.

For more information or to sign up for a ten-minute audition slot please contact director Fiona Hansen (fehansen@owu.edu)

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Ohio Wesleyan University Department of Theatre and Dance
Contact: Maggie Welsh at mrwelsh@owu.edu