Nov. 2 @ 5 p.m. – Parents Night Out Fundraiser for the ECC Tormasi Scholarship Fund

Child care will be provided by OWU education students on Saturday, Nov. 2, from 5-7 p.m. at the ECC for a good-will donation benefiting the ECC Tormasi Scholarship Fund. Children must be potty-trained. Snacks will be served and children will have the opportunity to engage in activities such as science and art. You must RSVP before Friday, Nov. 1, at noon.

RSVP Here:!/showSignUp/70a0b48aca729abf49-eccjason

If you are looking for something to do, join us at the Food Truck Depot (190 E. Central Ave. Delaware) to socialize, have dinner, and further support our scholarship fund. The depot will donate 15% of the sales to our cause.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Early Childhood Center
Contact: Kellie Hall at