OWU’s NAfME Collegiate Chapter is selling our (almost) famous quesadillas again! The chapter is skillfully and safely making all of our quesadillas to order for your dining pleasure. Orders will be delivered to the customers as they are finished or at the time specified in the form attached. Gluten and dairy-free orders will be made using designated cookware to ensure no allergen contamination. Donations are appreciated! Pre-orders will open at 8 pm and regular sales will begin at 9 pm.
Be sure to tell your friends! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeoAlgaQnzEawF-7VGMlAN9VxUu_z2H0DF3ThkhtImAVkQEZw/viewform?usp=sf_link
Ticket Cost: Quesadillas are by donation!
OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: National Association for Music Education
Contact: Emily Clausing at nafme@owu.edu