Nov. 10 @ Noon – Pizza Lunch and Learn, Fibonacci Polynomials

Mark your calendars and join us on Thursday, Nov. 10, for a presentation by Dr. Matt Evans, Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics, at Oberlin College. Dr. Evans will be presenting “A conjecture for Fibonacci polynomials.”

Abstract: In this talk, we will look at a family of polynomials whose coefficients are Fibonacci numbers. The roots of these polynomials demonstrate some fascinating behavior, which will lead us to a very natural conjecture. The mathematical rating of this talk is PG: some polynomial division required, knowledge of complex numbers will be helpful though I will define everything we need.

When: Thursday, November 10.
Time: Pizza starts at noon, Presentation starts at 12:10 PM.
Where: SCSC 393 (Bigelow-Rice side).