Moving Out? Have Excess Clothes or Food? Donate Them Now!

Moving out already? Going to in the near future? Have clothes you don’t want to keep or food that you have not yet opened? May Move Out is an Ohio Wesleyan tradition aimed at reducing waste from students who are leaving for the summer and leaving excess material behind. Look for our various pods conveniently placed in each dorm parking lot and drop off any and all clothing that you would like to donate! We are also launching a new partnership with People In Need (PIN), where we have placed multiple donation boxes in dining halls for students to drop off non-perishable food and toiletries for redistribution to those who need them! Don’t throw away what can be of use to others, and thank you for another great year of May Move Out! If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Kahlil Mitchell-Smith at

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Department of Environment and Sustainability
Contact: Kahlil Mitchell-Smith at