OWU‘s Human Resources and Career Connection teams are hosting a Gallup Trainer to enhance our Faculty & Staff understanding of the StrengthsFinder Assessment and foster a “Strengths-Based Campus.”
This is the first in a three-part series, with each session being standalone. The remaining sessions will be mid-August and early January with the topics being: “Leading from Within: Maximizing Your Strengths as a Team or Group Member” and “Optimizing Your Strengths as a Team Leader for Team Performance.”
Reminder, OWU provides the Strengths Assessment to all employees at no cost. To maximize this learning, complete your assessment before attending.
Questions? Contact Leigh Mascolino.
Join us for the first session:
Title: Strengths for Success: Leveraging Your StrengthsFinder Talents for Peak Performance.
Date/Time: Monday, March 31 from 12-1:30 PM; RSVP: Here
Source: Offices of Human Resources and Career Connection
Contact: Imogene Johnson, igjohnson@owu.edu