Drop Off Your Clean Recyclables at Tree House!

As part of the ENVS 399 Sustainability Practicum class, we are working on making our campus more sustainable. Leftover food on recyclables contaminates them and makes them unrecyclable. We are launching a drop-off point for fully clean recyclables at the environment and sustainability-themed Small Living House, Tree House (110A Rowland Ave.) Please stop by throughout the rest of the semester to place any clean glass, aluminum, and #1 or #2 plastics into the black trash can labeled “Clean Recycling Drop-Off.” Planned initiatives will address food-contaminated recyclables more systematically, but our Clean Recyclables Dropoff is a way to address the issue immediately. Contact: caskidmore@owu.eduskbulander@owu.edu, and srdomenech@owu.edu

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Department of Environment and Sustainability
Contact: Sophia Bulander at skbulander@owu.edu