March 10 – OWL Submissions Due

Submissions for the OWL are due THIS FRIDAY, March 10! Not only that, but we’ve updated our requirements so that you can submit pieces up to 2,000 words for fiction and nonfiction! If you have a piece of fiction, creative nonfiction/essay, poetry, visual art, play, or other medium, send an email to or drop off a physical copy in the plastic-mounted wall file outside of Sturges 305. For online submissions, please submit as a word document (.docx) for written pieces or .png for visual art/photography.
(Ex; LastName_TitleofWork.docx)

Submission Requirements by Genre:
-Fiction: Less than 2,000 words
-Nonfiction/Essay: Less than 2,000 words
-Poetry: Up to 5 pages of writing (this can be multiple pieces, or one long piece)
-Visual Art: 3 pieces Plays: Up to 10 pages

If you have a creative work that you believe falls outside of these categories, please send us an email and we can discuss whether you would be able to submit!

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: English Department
Contact: AJ Lashway at