Learn About Public Opinion, Survey Research and Analysis in New PG Course

PG 300.37 is a brand new course offered in the Politics and Government department this semester. This course explores the structure and dynamics of public opinion, providing an in-depth introduction to the factors that shape citizens’ social and political attitudes in the United States. Analysis will be focused on three major areas: definitions of public opinion and theories of opinion formation, how public opinion is influenced and how public opinion is collected and analyzed in the contemporary American political scene. The class will create its own survey, distribute it throughout the University, analyze the data and share the findings as we prepare for the 2020 Mock Convention.

PG 300.37 will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays 10-11:50 in 220 University Hall. The prerequisite is PG279/equivalent course OR instructor’s permission. For more information, contact Prof. Brianna Mack at bnmack@owu.edu.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Politics and Government.
Contact: Brianna Mack at bnmack@owu.edu.