Consider taking UC 100.9: “Career Readiness: Navigating College to Career.” Taught by Leigh Mascolino and Mindy Agin from Career Connection, it is a 0.25-credit course offered on Tuesdays from 3-3:50.
“Career Readiness: Navigating College to Career” offers a well-paved roadmap to success that will challenge you to answer, “What do I want during my first 18-36 months post-college, and how do I get there?” A key ingredient for success is having the RIGHT person by your side. You’ll be strategically connected with an Alumni Mentor who will offer relevant advice and suggestions throughout the duration of the course. For more information and to see a course outline, email Mindy Agin (
OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Office of Career Services, Ohio Wesleyan Univ.
Contact: Mindy Agin at