Incoming Fall 2023 OWU Student Seeking Personal Care Aides

Hi! My name is Gabriel Eberhard, and I am an entering freshman at Ohio Wesleyan University this fall. I currently live in Sunbury. I am looking for a few students to share a job of helping me with my personal care, as I am in a wheelchair. These would be paid positions and the hours are very flexible. You must be able to manage time well, have the strength to lift me in and out of my chair, scribe some class assignments if necessary, and assist with personal care.  I am looking for people to fill this position now in Sunbury, but also need to find people for fall semester on campus. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact me at or (419) 560-9837. Thank you.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Accessibility Services Office
Contact: Amanda Rodenborg at