How Do You Express Love?

The House of Linguistic Diversity is holding Language Week this upcoming week, April 1 through 5. We’re hosting a variety of unique HOLD house projects throughout the week based around language and culture.

Tuesday’s house project is titled “The Language of Love” and will explore the similarities, differences and approaches to how love and affection are displayed and expressed across the world. The idea, concept, notion and expression of love is something that has been with us since the beginning of time, yet it varies so widely from country to country, family to family, culture to culture, person to person, etc. There are so many different ways to show how we feel that range from the ways in which we interact with others, physical contact, emotional connection, the words and phrases we use to express how we are feeling…

“The Language of Love” is looking to interview a series of people from now through Sun., March 31 to be a part of this project. If you have opinions, viewpoints and/or stories that you would like to share about your experiences in regards to this topic, or if you have some insight on how your culture expresses love and affection differently or similarly to others, consider taking some time to share your thoughts!

If you are interested in setting up an interview, contact Doris Ottman at ASAP.

Spread the love!

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: House of Linguistic Diversity.
Contact: Doris Ottman at