How Are You Really Doing? Being an Athlete of Color in 2020

This event will be led by Dr. Tomeka Ferguson, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs and Inclusive Excellence and Assistant Professor and Co-Coordinator Ed.D. Program, Higher Education Leadership at Virginia Commonwealth University. Student-athletes will have an opportunity to engage with each other in an informal discussion. This facilitated discussion will center the lived experiences of student-athletes of color during civil, racial, and health crises in 2020. Student-athletes will have space, sans administrators and coaches, to share, debrief, and glean from their peers. One goal of this session is to gather ways in which student-athletes of color can be supported by administrators and coaches in the future.

This event is sponsored by the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism committee in OWU Athletics.

Please register for the event here:

OR -you can email your coach, or head volleyball coach Kirsta Cobb at for the zoom information.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Athletics Department – Committee on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism
Contact: Kirsta Cobb at