Hepatitis A Vaccinations Now Available!

The Delaware General Health District is offering walk-in Hepatitis A vaccination clinics on Fridays from 1-4 p.m. They are accepting both insured and uninsured people. People who are at a high risk for Hep A include:
– Persons who use injection or non-injection illicit drugs.
– Persons who are homeless or in transient living conditions.
– Persons who are or recently have been incarcerated.
– Men who have sex with men.
– Persons with chronic liver disease, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis B or hepatitis C.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call the Delaware General Health District at 740-203-2040, or visit their office on 3 West Winter Street.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student Health Center.
Contact: Sarah Holmes at saholmes@owu.edu.