It’s almost time for finals, Bishops! Studies show that 70-96% of college students get less than eight hours of sleep during a normal semester. During finals week, this drops even lower with students averaging about 6.36 hours of sleep per night. Losing 1 hour of sleep per night adds up and has similar effects to pulling an all-nighter. This kind of sleep deprivation can lead to decreased immune function, increased stress, increased risk of depression, decreased cognitive performance, etc. When it comes to finals, not getting enough sleep has been proven to result in lower test scores because without sleep our memory, creativity, and logical reasoning are all diminished. We process new information and commit it to memory in our REM sleep, so cutting that short at night can result in less information processed. If you find yourself unable to sleep soundly at night, remember to avoid caffeine for at least 6 hours before bed, put away your phone, and try in sleep in a quiet environment. Let’s ace those finals and catch some ZZZs, Bishops!
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OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Student Health Center
Contact: Leigh Stavar at