Healthy Tip of the Week

We spend a lot of our lives sitting down: being in class, driving our cars, waiting at the doctors’ office, doing homework at our desks, etc. However, studies show that too much sitting down can actually be detrimental to our health. Habitually sitting for long stretches of time can increase your likelihood of developing high blood pressure, high blood sugar, cardiovascular disease, etc. Our society is heavily centered around being seated and sedentary, but there are ways to combat this: stand up and move around every 30 minutes, try using a standing desk for working at home, stand up and take a walk when talking on the phone, or walk to classes instead of driving. Keep moving, Bishops!

Source: Edward R. Laskowski, M.D. “Sitting Risks: How Harmful Is Too Much Sitting?” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, Aug. 21, 2020:

For more tips and updates from the Student Health Center, follow us on Instagram @owustudenthealthcenter and on Facebook @owuhealthcenter.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Student Health Center
Contact: Leigh Stavar at