Health Tip of the Week! Making the Most of Sleep in College

College is filled with long nights of studying and irregular sleep schedules, but there are things that you can do to combat sleep deprivation as a student!

1.) Avoid drinking alcohol just before bed. Even though it may make you sleepy, consuming alcohol right before bed reduces the quality of your sleep, making you more likely to wake up sleepy the next day.
2) Exercise! (But not just before bed). People who exercise regularly get better sleep than those who don’t. Hit up the gym or enjoy a nice walk around Delaware!
3) Nap. Short power naps are key in college. Let’s face it, there will be days when you were up late studying and can’t stay awake during class. A twenty minute nap before lunch will help keep you alert for the rest of the day.
4) Make sleep a priority. It can be tempting to stay up all night cramming, but sleep is important to learning. Study for a while and call it a night.


OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student Health Center.
Contact: Sarah Holmes at