Health Tip of the Week! – Make the Most of Naps

‘Tis the season- finals are approaching and papers are due left and right, so it’s understandable if you need a nap! Here are some tips to make your naps more effective.

1.) Don’t nap if you have insomnia. Naps will likely only make it harder to fall asleep at night.
2.) Nap for either 30 or 90 minutes. After 30 minutes, you enter into deep sleep and your sleep cycle doesn’t end until 90 minutes. If you wake up partway into your sleep cycle, you may feel worse than before you napped.
3.) Try a caffeine nap for an extra energy boost! If you’ve got a lot ahead of you and you need an energy fix, try quickly drinking a cup of coffee and then napping for 20 minutes. The caffeine will kick in when you wake up, leaving you with an energy burst.
4.) Take a walk instead. If you find yourself feeling sleepy after lunch and you’re not sure why, that’s completely normal! To combat this, try taking a walk in the sunshine to wake you up instead of falling into bed.


OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student Health Center.
Contact: Sarah Holmes at