Health Tip of the Week

Should you get that Hangover Burger from Hamburger Inn? We’ve all had a rough morning or two. But what’s the best way to get over it?

You may want to turn to salt, fat, and grease when you’re feeling the effects of the last night. But your body is trying to cleanse, it needs the proper nutrition to fade the hangover effects faster, so turn down fatty cheeseburgers and eat a well-balanced breakfast to give your body the energy and tools it needs to eradicate those free radicals. Banana smoothies, cantaloupe, banana or avocado toast, granola, sweet potato hash, flax seeds, chia seeds and eggs is what your body needs. Make a nice banana, spinach, and flax seed smoothie at Smith and you will be well on your way towards a better morning.

Make sure to tune in next week for another health tip. If you have a topic you want to see covered please email me at

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student Health Center.
Contact: Lexi Lease at