Health Tip of the Week

There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to preventing hangovers. We’ve all heard the chant, “Beer before liquor, never sicker; Liquor before beer you’re in the clear.” Is this true or false?

It’s false; you will feel gross after drinking a lot, no matter the order in which you do it. Switching the type of drinks you have makes it harder to monitor how much you drink, increasing the chance of getting a hangover.

So what helps to prevent a hangover? Shockingly, avoiding darker-colored alcoholic beverages. Experiments have shown that clear liquors, such as vodka and gin, tend to cause hangovers less frequently than dark ones, such as whiskey, red wine, and tequila. Darker liquors have congeners that are harder to metabolize, causing stronger hangover effects.

What else can you do? Drink water as much as you can while out; dehydration partially causes hangovers. So take a break from dancing to take a sip. And, no, chewing on ice from a mixed drink does not count as hydrating yourself. Finally, eat before going out. It’ll slow down (not stop) the alcohol from hitting your system all at once.

We are in college, we all go out. Just be mindful when you do, and you’ll be healthier for it.

Make sure to tune in next week for another health tip. If you have a topic you want to see covered, email me at

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student Health Center.
Contact: Lexi Lease at