Handshake! Who, What, Where, When, Why?

Who: Handshake is for students!
What: An Internship and Job Search Platform. Also used for on-campus jobs and events and fairs offered through Career Connection.
Where: owu.joinhandshake.com/login Sign in under Ohio Wesleyan and use your OWU Credentials.
When: It’s always up and running but did you know you can get help with Handshake during our drop-in hours, M-TH from 12-4:30?
Why: Get a leg up on others in your job and internship search. It’s also the place to be in the know for career events and on-campus jobs.

First-time users must activate their account which takes 5 minutes or less.

We are here to help you! Please come to drop-ins M-TH, Noon to 4:30 pm.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Career Connection.
Contact: Jill Hayes at careers@owu.edu