Food/Needed Items Drive!

Hey Bishops, as you head into your fall break to enjoy time with family and friends, enjoying warmth and yummy food, think about those who don’t have those luxuries. Upon your return to campus after break, there will be a food drive running December 2 through December 6 to give those in need some things that we may take for granted.

Items of use include: cereal, protein bars, individually wrapped snacks, canned meats (tuna, chicken, beef stew), rice, beans, Mac n Cheese, pasta and sauce (no glass jars please), low sodium, low sugar, gluten free items, paper towels, toilet paper, feminine products.

So when you are at home, check your pantry or local store to see if there is an item or two that someone could get use out of. Your help is greatly appreciated!

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Women’s Soccer
Contact: Olivia Adkins at