Feb. 9 Deadline – EIIA Photo and Quote Contest

Every year, EIIA (Educational & Institutional Insurance Administrators Inc.) holds an annual photo contest for students attending its member institutions. In addition to the photo contest, EIIA this year also is looking for quotes from students on “How has 2020 changed your values and beliefs?” Only 25 quotes and two photos will be published in its 2020 Annual Report.

For the PHOTO CONTEST, the 2020 Annual Report theme is “Disruption Powers Innovation.”

PHOTO Specifications: Photos used in our Annual Report will be awarded: $250 for 1st place, $150 for 2nd place. Photos must be:

–Taken by student.

–Relate to the 2020 Theme.

–A maximum of five photo submissions per student.

–Digital shots only (no analog).

–300 dpi or greater.

–Submitted in RAW or JPEG format.

–4” x 6” or greater.

–Daytime only (no nighttime shots).

–No filters or black & white shots.

QUOTE Specifications: Quotes used in our Annual Report will be awarded: $50 Gift Card. Guidelines:

–One quote per student.

–Twenty-five words or less.

–Must be an original quote (no plagiarism).

Submissions should go to: Beth Murray at bmurray@eiia.org.

Don’t forget to include:

–Your Name.

–School Name.

–Year in School.

–Phone Number.

–Email Address.


Questions: contact Beth Murray at bmurray@eiia.org or 312-568-5518.