Feb. 2 – WOW Speaker Series: Celebrating National Women & Girls in Sports Day!

Join our panelists as they share experiences and insights based on their time participating in athletics, and discuss ways that sports, athletic programs, and key people have impacted their lives to date. They will also discuss how the qualities of teamwork, perseverance, and leadership learned as athletes translated to both their personal and professional lives.

Panelists include:

  • Captain Juliann Althoff ’91, Chief Medical Officer, OWU swimming & track & field
  • Brianna La Croix ’18, Production Assistant & Social Media Manager, OWU volleyball
  • Jerilyn Mapes ’87, Certified Athletic Trainer, OWU basketball
  • Rachel Seibel ’10, Senior Manager, Business Development, OWU softball

Moderator: Catie Butt ’91, Executive Director & OWU swimming

The event is taking place on Wednesday, February 2, from 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. and you can register here: https://bit.ly/3fLrzu5

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Office of Alumni Engagement and OWU Athletics.
Contact: Katie Webster at alumni@owu.edu