Hey there, you got a lot of work this week and can’t seem to relax even after it’s done? Why not come down to play some board games and have some fun with other students? We’re the Ohio Wesleyan Boardgame Club, and we know how stressful it can get during the spring semester, but that doesn’t mean you have to stressed out 24/7. We’re providing a night on Wednesday February 19 In the Stuyvesant Hall Lobby, for you to come and play some familiar games as well as some other games we hope you’ll like. The event will be held from 6:00-8:00 pm at the lobby in Stuyvesant Hall. We hope to see you there, but until then keep going, we know you can do it, see you there.
OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Boardgame Club
Contact: Cade Campanale at cacampan@owu.edu