Feb. 19 – Bishop Backers Food Drive and 50/50 Raffle at the Basketball Games

The Bishop Backers is an organization of community advocates interested in sharing information about athletics and other events at Ohio Wesleyan and in connecting potential student-volunteers, interns, and employees with local organizations.

Although our annual Bishop Backers Expo has been cancelled (due to covid-19 protocols) we will still be collecting food donations and cash donations for the Delaware County Hunger Alliance at the door of the Men’s and Women’s Varsity basketball games, February 19th.

Admission to the game will be a food/cash donation of your choice.
– Packaged, non-perishable foods are best.

The Bishop Backers are also currently looking for volunteers to help sell raffle tickets during the game (Faculty volunteers are welcome) If interested in volunteering, email aegoldenberg@owu.edu. Volunteers will be needed for both games. (1pm Women’s, 3pm Men’s.)

We encourage you to learn more at www.owu.edu/BishopBackers.

Start Date: 2022-02-19
Start Time: 01:00PM
End Time: 05:00PM

Location: Branch Rickey Arena

Ticket Cost: Food/Cash Donation

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Bishop Backers Committee
Contact: Alex Goldenberg at aegoldenberg@owu.edu