Feb. 15 – Amazing Grace: Available for all women

Are you in need of spiritual renewal in your Christian Faith?
Attend the 2020 Catholic Women’s Conference on Saturday, February 15, 2020, where over 3,000 women will grow spiritually together, The day is so life-changing and guaranteed to leave you different than when you walked in the doors.
Hear inspirational talks by Fr. Don Calloway, Sr. Miriam James, Fr. Ubald, and local authors Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet.
Holy Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Robert J. Brennan. The day runs from 8 AM- 4:00 PM, concluding with a Healing Holy Hour and Eucharistic Adoration. For more details and to register, please contact Mary Jeffries in the Chaplain’s office #403 Hamilton – Williams, mmjeffri@wou.edu, or 740-368-3091.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Chaplain’s Office.
Contact: Mary Jeffries at mmjeffri@owu.edu