Feb. 11 Deadline – Credit/No Entry for Spring Semester Courses

Please remember you must elect the C/NE option by the Thursday of the second week of classes. This semester, that deadline is Feb. 11. Approval of your advisor is also required.

To elect this option for one of your spring 2021 courses, please email the registrar’s office (registrar@owu.edu) and indicate the name and course number of the class you would like to take C/NE. Additionally, please ask your advisor to send an email communicating approval to the registrar’s office as well. You do not need approval of the course instructor.

More information about OWU’s Credit/No Entry (C/NE) Policy is available HERE. If you have any questions about how to interpret the policy, or whether it would be in your best interest to take a course C/NE this spring, please consult either your academic advisor or the registrar’s office.

Source: Academic Status Committee.