Feb. 11 @ 5 PM – Interfaith Movie and Trivia Night!

Join the Interfaith Small Living Unit for a movie night from everyone’s favorite superhero Larryboy! The event will take place on Friday, February 11th from 5pm to 7pm at the HWCC Peale Chapel. We will be watching “Larryboy and the Rumor Weed” and “Larryboy and the Fib From Outer Space.” Attendees will be expected to properly wear masks during the event. Once the two movies are complete, attendees can compete in a short game of trivia to win a special prize! Goodie bags will also be available to all attendees.

LINK TO RSVP: https://forms.gle/Yapu2Hz2EVBbwSMeA

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Interfaith House.
Contact: Adrian Yates at interfaithhouse@owu.edu.