Enhancements to Blackboard Learn Coming Aug. 6

The upcoming release to Blackboard Learn, our learning management system, includes these new and improved features, and will be applied to our system on Thursday, 8/6.

Additional sources for embedded media in the text editor (Ultra course view):
This release expands our list of embedded media sources in the text editor. The Insert video from web option is now called Insert media from web. Users can add media from these sites: VidGrid, Panopto, FlipGrid, SlideShare, Prezi, VoiceThread, KhanAcademy, Kaltura, Soundcloud, Spotify, Genial.ly, NearPod, Quizlet, and EdPuzzle.

Journal support for course copy and conversion:
With this release, they’re adding support for Ultra journals in course copy and conversion. Journals and their prompts can be copied from one course to another, regardless of the course view. Users can use Copy Content to copy journals between courses. Journals can also be converted from an Original course to an Ultra course as part of the Ultra Course Preview, and will be included in the course’s export/archive ZIP file. These capabilities apply to journal prompt and entries only, and don’t include comments.

Text editor added to course announcements (Ultra course view):
Instructors rely on course announcements to deliver important, timely information to students. To make announcements easier to read and more visually appealing, many instructors enhance them by adding images, links, and text formatting. Now, instructors can use an enhanced text editor to add and display more types of content, links, embedded media, and file attachments in announcements in Ultra courses.

For more information, see https://help.blackboard.com/Learn/Administrator/SaaS/Release_Notes

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Information Services.
Contact: David Soliday at helpdesk@owu.edu