Enhancements coming to Blackboard Collaborate Dec. 10

Blackboard is continually improving its web conferencing platform. Here are highlights of the update coming on Thursday, Dec. 10.

* Chat mentions and formatting: Interactions with peers and instructors can lead to greater student success. It’s important for students to be able to engage socially and collaboratively. With this in mind, Blackboard is excited to introduce two new features added to Collaborate’s chat.

Now attendees can tag someone in Chat when they mention them. Anyone tagged is notified so they don’t miss it. Type the at (@) symbol and start typing who in the session you want to tag. Select the name when it appears in the list. Moderators are identified with a MOD label so they are easy to find.

Blackboard also updated the Rich Text Editor in the Chat panel, so attendees can format their messages to really get their point across.

* Recording storage information in the Recording report: Discover which courses are using the most storage with the update to the Recording report. There is now a storage usage column in the report that shows the size for each recording in GB.

More information, along with screenshots, are available on Blackboard’s Help site, https://help.blackboard.com/Collaborate/Ultra/Administrator/Release_Notes

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Information Services.
Contact: David Soliday at helpdesk@owu.edu