English Advising & Registration Event – Oct. 28

The English Department and English Student Board invite all students for a virtual information session and Q&A on Wednesday, Oct. 28 from 5-6pm to discuss advising, registration, and Spring 2021 course offerings. The unprecedented nature of college-during-covid and remote learning have brought about unique stressors and questions, and we are here to help! Join Professor Nancy Comorau, Professor Amy Butcher, and English Student board members; Faith Brammer, Lily Callander, Hope Lopez, and Anna Edmiston as we share insight, recommendations, how-tos, and tips. This session is ideal for first-year students who are interested in literature and/or writing or simply want to learn more about what the Department of English has to offer and how our courses can be a fun and enjoyable way to fulfill university distribution requirements. Join us!

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Passcode: 575597
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Meeting ID: 941 2827 4284
Passcode: 575597
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OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: English Department
Contact: Beth Fedoush at bmfedoush@owu.edu