Dec. 12 – Symphony Concert to Feature OWU Staff Member as Soloist

When the Central Ohio Symphony presents its annual holiday concerts at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Dec. 12 in Gray Chapel, a Bishop will be taking the stage as the featured soloist.

Soprano Angel Victoria Tyler is a member of the OWU Residential Life staff and recent graduate from SUNY Oswego, where she received her Bachelor of Arts in Vocal Performance. She will be singing selections from Handel’s Messiah, the popular Italian carol Gesù bambino, and the always popular “Christmas Festival” by Leroy Anderson, which is performed as a sing-along with the audience.

Following CDC guidelines for attendance, masks are required of all concertgoers, including children over age 3, and must be worn at all times in the building. All adult concertgoers must show proof of vaccination or present a recent negative Covid test, along with government-issued ID.

Tickets may be purchased at the Symphony Source, 24 E. Winter St. in downtown Delaware; online at, or at the box office the day of the concert. Ticket prices are $30 for adults, $25 for senior citizens, and $6 for students of all ages.

Source: Central Ohio Symphony/Office of University Communications