Creativity – Health Tip

Papers. Work. Reading. Brief possibility of free time. Homework. Exam. Repeat. With the constant grind of academic obligations when you have free time the only activity that you might be drawn to is zoning out on your phone or watching Netflix. I strongly encourage students to branch out and try to find a creative hobby to do. Being creative is meditative. Taking the time to use our hands, mind, and energy doing something we enjoy and that makes us happy is of the highest importance in life. Also, when we create we may start to value our work, even if it is not published, displayed or presented to the public. That’s a huge accomplishment in self-appreciation!

With creativity, you can start with anything. You can renew an old hobby, or start a new one. Try keeping a journal, or handwriting stories or poems. Painting, crocheting, knitting, coloring, baking, dancing, and cooking are also all activities I have seen students do.

Obstacles and challenges throughout life are inevitable. However, when we make creativity a habit, we continue to learn new, resourceful ways of solving problems in our artwork, and in life.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student Health Center.
Contact: Lexi Lease at