Free Kittens!
Since we are getting closer to Winter break, I was wondering if anyone (Student or Faculty) would be interested in taking a kitten home with them. My family had a new litter of kittens earlier this year, but we cannot…
Since we are getting closer to Winter break, I was wondering if anyone (Student or Faculty) would be interested in taking a kitten home with them. My family had a new litter of kittens earlier this year, but we cannot…
Since we are getting closer to Winter break, I was wondering if anyone (Student or Faculty) would be interested in taking a kitten home with them. My family had a new litter of kittens earlier this year, but we cannot…
Seeking a lost key for Room 356 in Stuy and a lost mail room key. Turn in to Public Safety and leave name for $10 reward. Thank you! Contact: Public Safety, Room 120 Smith Hall.
Since we are getting closer to Winter break, I was wondering if anyone (Student or Faculty) would be interested in taking a kitten home with them. My family had a new litter of kittens earlier this year, but we cannot…
Over the weekend I lost my OWU ID and keys. The name on the ID is Edysoraya (Edy) De Arco. Please contact me at if you find them! Thank you! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: self. Contact: Edy De Arco at
Being an OWjL Camp Instructor is a wonderful opportunity to have fun teaching gifted middle school students who want to learn in a challenging environment like OWU. Other instructors have described this experience as “fun and entertaining.” Want to have…
We are looking for male and female counselors for OWjL Camp 2019. OWjL Camp is a summer residential camp for gifted/talented students in 6th, 7th and 8th grades held on the OWU campus each June. Requirements to be a counselor:…
I lost my glasses in Phillips Hall in the female bathroom closest to the front entrance of the building. They’re black on the outside and a transparent blue on the inside of them. They’re designer “Liz Claiborne” frames. Please contact…
OWU’s History Department is selling t-shirts to rep the department! Shirts can be ordered here: Deadline to order is Tues., Nov. 27. Cost is $14.95 but it goes down the more we sell. You don’t have to be a history major…
I lost my glasses in Phillips Hall in the female bathroom closest to the front entrance of the building. They’re black on the outside and a transparent blue on the inside of them. They’re designer “Liz Claiborne” frames. Please contact…