Category University Classifieds

Student Summer Conferences Job Opportunity

OWU Summer Conferences is looking for Student Summer Conference Assistants. Students will act as a liaison to camp/conference group leaders during their stay on campus. Compensation includes competitive salary, on-campus housing and dining when facilities are open. Positions run mid-May…

Student Summer Conferences Job Opportunity

OWU Summer Conferences is looking for Student Summer Conference Assistants. Students will act as a liaison to camp/conference group leaders during their stay on campus. Compensation includes competitive salary, on-campus housing and dining when facilities are open. Positions run mid-May…

Male Counselors Needed for Summer Camp 2019

We are looking for male counselors for OWjL Camp 2019. OWjL Camp is a summer residential camp for gifted/talented students in 6th, 7th and 8th grades held on the OWU campus each June. Requirements to be a counselor: -Completed college…

Male Counselors Needed for Summer Camp 2019

We are looking for male counselors for OWjL Camp 2019. OWjL Camp is a summer residential camp for gifted/talented students in 6th, 7th and 8th grades held on the OWU campus each June. Requirements to be a counselor: -Completed college…

Student Summer Conferences Job Opportunity

OWU Summer Conferences is looking for Student Summer Conference Assistants. Students will act as a liaison to camp/conference group leaders during their stay on campus. Compensation includes competitive salary, on-campus housing and dining when facilities are open. Positions run mid-May…

Track Meet Workers Needed

We are looking for lots of student workers and/or volunteers to work in a variety of roles at our two upcoming track meets. There are flexible hours and positions available on the following days: Fri., April 5 (3:00 p.m. to…

Interested in Serving as a Reunion Weekend Student Ambassador?

Reunion Weekend is May 17-19. As a Student Ambassador, you can expect to help with preparations for the weekend and work throughout the weekend to ensure that all alumni returning for their reunions have the best possible experience. The weekend…

Male Counselors Needed for Summer Camp 2019

We are looking for male counselors for OWjL Camp 2019. OWjL Camp is a summer residential camp for gifted/talented students in 6th, 7th and 8th grades held on the OWU campus each June. Requirements to be a counselor: -Completed college…

Male Counselors Needed for Summer Camp 2019

We are looking for male counselors for OWjL Camp 2019. OWjL Camp is a summer residential camp for gifted/talented students in 6th, 7th and 8th grades held on the OWU campus each June. Requirements to be a counselor: -Completed college…

Interested in Serving as a Reunion Weekend Student Ambassador?

Reunion Weekend is May 17-19. As a Student Ambassador, you can expect to help with preparations for the weekend and work throughout the weekend to ensure that all alumni returning for their reunions have the best possible experience. The weekend…