Category University Classifieds

Intramural Referees for FALL 2019 NEEDED

Looking for work? Email the Intramural Dept. about becoming an intramural referee for the 2019-2020 school year. Referees would officiate the games, operate the scoreboard and/or be a line judge. First semester sports include Indoor Futsol, Sand Volleyball, a Zumba…

Found – Lacrosse Goggles

Women’s lacrosse goggles found near University Hall. Call first to claim. On campus extension 3939 or 740.368.3939. Contact: Eve Helenberger at

Track Meet Workers Needed

We are looking for lots of student workers and/or volunteers to work in a variety of roles at our two upcoming track meets. There are flexible hours and positions available on the following days: Fri., April 5 (3:00 p.m. to…

For Sale – Two BTS Concert Tickets

I have two extra concert tickets for BTS selling at face value. If anyone is interested, please text or email me for further information. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: self. Contact: Zihan Zhuang at

Student Summer Conferences Job Opportunity

OWU Summer Conferences is looking for Student Summer Conference Assistants. Students will act as a liaison to camp/conference group leaders during their stay on campus. Compensation includes competitive salary, on-campus housing and dining when facilities are open. Positions run mid-May…

Found – Lacrosse Goggles

Women’s lacrosse goggles found near University Hall. Call first to claim. On campus extension 3939 or 740.368.3939. Contact: Eve Helenberger at

Student Summer Conferences Job Opportunity

OWU Summer Conferences is looking for Student Summer Conference Assistants. Students will act as a liaison to camp/conference group leaders during their stay on campus. Compensation includes competitive salary, on-campus housing and dining when facilities are open. Positions run mid-May…

Male Counselors Needed for Summer Camp 2019

We are looking for male counselors for OWjL Camp 2019. OWjL Camp is a summer residential camp for gifted/talented students in 6th, 7th and 8th grades held on the OWU campus each June. Requirements to be a counselor: -Completed college…

Male Counselors Needed for Summer Camp 2019

We are looking for male counselors for OWjL Camp 2019. OWjL Camp is a summer residential camp for gifted/talented students in 6th, 7th and 8th grades held on the OWU campus each June. Requirements to be a counselor: -Completed college…

Student Summer Conferences Job Opportunity

OWU Summer Conferences is looking for Student Summer Conference Assistants. Students will act as a liaison to camp/conference group leaders during their stay on campus. Compensation includes competitive salary, on-campus housing and dining when facilities are open. Positions run mid-May…