Category University Classifieds

Apply Today! Curatorial Assistant Ross Art Museum Position!

Interested in a career in museums? Apply for a 2025-26 StAP Curatorial Assistant position with the Ross Art Museum!  Students in any major are welcome to apply! For the 2025-26 school year, our curatorial focus is centered on climate change…

Apply Now! 2025-2026 Student Internships with Annual Giving

Are you interested in a campus internship next year where you can learn about nonprofit fundraising, communication, and OWU’s alumni community? University Advancement has 4 internship opportunities in Annual Giving available for the fall semester. The deadline to apply is this Sunday, March…

LOST: Soft-sided Lunch Box in Merrick 301

Lost: a blue, soft-sided Lunch Box with “Ohio Health” printed in white. Last seen in Merrick 301 during the Faculty Meeting. There are a few items inside, including a glass container. If found, please contact Kristina Bogdanov

LOST: TI-84 Graphing Calculator

Hello. I’m missing my grey TI 84 Plus calculator graphing calculator. If found, please contact me at Thank you. Tera Berko

New Business Offers OWU Discount

Downtown Delaware’s Let’s Mochi Donuts shop, recently opened at 16 S. Sandusky St., would like to offer OWU students and employees a 10% discount with a valid OWU ID card. Other businesses offer discounts as well, especially to students, with…

Missing Calculator

I’m missing my gray TI 84 Plus calculator graphing calculator. If found, please contact me at Thank you. Contact: Tera Berko at

FOUND: Headphones and AirPods case (blue)

FOUND: In Elliott Hall, a set of headphones was found on Jan. 28, 2025.  Also, a blue AirPods case was found last week.  If these belong to you, please come to Elliott Hall 110 or 205 and see Deb. OWU…

Rings Found in Slocum Restroom

Did you leave rings in a Slocum Hall restroom? Please stop by the IOCP to describe the items and claim them. Thank you! Source: Office of International and Off-Campus Programs

Free Books in SCSC, Room 225!

The Department of Environment & Sustainability is cleaning out its book collection. The books span a variety of environmental topics, publication years, and disciplines. Books are free to a good home and can be found in SCSC, Room 225. OWU…

LOST: Knit Pumpkin Hat

I lost a handmade pumpkin hat somewhere in Ham-Wil or the Science Center. It is rusty orange with a brown bobble and green leaf on top. There is a tag on the inside with teal embroidery on it. Please email…