Category Student News & Events

Prepaid Student Parking Permit Pick Up

Have you purchased your student parking permit? Would you like to pick it up a little early? For your convenience, the Public Safety Office will be open Sunday, August 19, from 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. for permit pick up.…

Dining Hours 8/17-8/21

Welcome back to campus and the start of the 2018-19 school year! AVI Fresh is excited to be your new dining partner on campus! Until classes begin August 22, here are the times and locations where students can eat each…

Sexuality and Gender Equality House Looking for a New Member!

The Sexuality and Gender Equality (SAGE) House is looking for a new member to move-in this fall and stay for the year. SAGE takes an intersectional perspective to address gender, feminist, and LGBTQ+ issues on campus and in the greater…

OWU Martial Arts – Learn Gracie Jiujitsu and Shorin Ryu Karate/TKD

OWU Credit Martial Arts courses: Experienced instruction, positive, progressive classes in traditional dojo. OWU Shorin Ryu karate/TKD PE301 and Kobudo is a dynamic discipline of Japanese, Okinawan origins, for everyone, designed to give a solid understanding of core techniques of…

Prepaid Student Parking Permit Pick Up

Have you purchased your student parking permit? Would you like to pick it up a little early? For your convenience, the Public Safety Office will be open Sunday, August 19, from 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. for permit pick up.…

Sexuality and Gender Equality House Looking for a New Member!

The Sexuality and Gender Equality (SAGE) House is looking for a new member to move-in this fall and stay for the year. SAGE takes an intersectional perspective to address gender, feminist, and LGBTQ+ issues on campus and in the greater…

OWU Martial Arts – Learn Gracie Jiujitsu and Shorin Ryu Karate/TKD

OWU Credit Martial Arts courses: Experienced instruction, positive, progressive classes in traditional dojo. OWU Shorin Ryu karate/TKD PE301 and Kobudo is a dynamic discipline of Japanese, Okinawan origins, for everyone, designed to give a solid understanding of core techniques of…

OWU Martial Arts – Learn Gracie Jiujitsu and Shorin Ryu Karate/TKD

OWU Credit Martial Arts courses: Experienced instruction, positive, progressive classes in traditional dojo. OWU Shorin Ryu karate/TKD PE301 and Kobudo is a dynamic discipline of Japanese, Okinawan origins, for everyone, designed to give a solid understanding of core techniques of…

Apply to Live in the Interfaith House!

Are you interested in broadening your understanding of the Interfaith Movement? Are you interested in living with open-minded and intentional individuals who work toward creating an environment of understanding, peace, and pluralism? The Interfaith House has space available for the…

The House of Linguistic Diversity Is Looking for a New Member!

Are you interested in learning different languages? Do you speak multiple languages? If so, please email Milany Duarte at today for an application to live in HOLD for the fall semester! We currently have one spot available for fall semester —…