Category Student News & Events

TODAY – Interested in the Field of Public Health?

If you answered YES, then the webinar TODAY from 12 to 1 p.m. in Ham-Wil, Room 311 is for you! PHAP (Public Health Associate Program) sponsored by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) is a 2-year, field-based public health associate…

Dec. 6 – Aqua-Tots Swim Schools Recruiting On-Campus!

Love working with kids? Aqua-Tots Swim Schools may be the place for you! Recruiters will be on campus in the Ham-Wil Atrium on Thurs., Dec. 6 from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Stop by their table to learn more! Aqua-Tots’…

Small Living Unit Application and Renewal

The application for new and renewing Small Living Units (SLU) is now available on the Residential Life Office Website. Applications are open now through December 14th. Please review the application for a full timeline and overview of the application and…

Calling All Creators! Submit to the OWL

Calling all creators! Have a piece or work you’re especially excited about? Submit to the OWL! The OWL is OWU’s annually-published, student-run literary and art journal. We are accepting submissions for fiction, poetry, nonfiction, screenplays and artistic works, and submission…

Last Call for Seniors to Declare Majors and Minors

If you are graduating in 2019, please make sure that all your proper majors and minors are declared prior to Wed., Dec. 12. The only way to declare majors and minors is via an electronic request form. From any computer…

Dec. 10 – Late Night Breakfast

Late Night Breakfast is an OWU tradition that marks the start of finals week. This year’s event will be on Mon., Dec. 10 from 10:00 p.m.-Midnight in Smith Dining. Late Night Breakfast will feature a large pancake station, smoothies, traditional…

Sign Up for Hamlet Auditions!

Audition for Shakespeare in the spring semester. Prepare now! Come by Chappelear Drama Center to sign up for a time to audition on Thurs., Jan. 17 for “Hamlet.” Questions? Contact the Director, Elane Denny, at or x3851. ALL ARE WELCOME! OWU…

What’s New at the Health Center? FREE STD Screening!

The OWU Student Health Center will offer FREE STD (Gonorrhea and Chlamydia) screening starting Wed., Dec. 5! STD screening is an important step to keeping yourself healthy. Gonorrhea and Chlamydia can cause serious health problems if left untreated, but can…