Category Student News & Events

Feb. 8 – Financial Planning for Study Abroad/Away Session

On Fri., Feb. 8 at 12:10 p.m. in Merrick Hall, Room 201, come and find out ways to make study away/abroad more affordable. Learn about scholarships-including the Freeman Asia, Gilman and Boren Programs-budgeting, affordable programs, billing and financial aid. OWU…

Accounting Fellows Application Now Live

This program will allow a select group of students to combine classroom knowledge with real-world accounting research and application. Students will benefit from this program by participating in academic activities outside of the traditional classroom space, professional development activities and…

Feb. 16 – OWU Summit: How to Use StrengthsQuest in Career Planning

You are invited to attend a special leadership development opportunity, the OWU Summit! This year the Summit will focus on StrengthsQuest, creating the opportunity for each student-leader to receive their personal “Top 5” strengths. Participants will have the opportunity to…

Speakers Needed for Upcoming Asian Horror Film Festival!

At the end of February (more info to come), OWU’s first Asian Horror Film Festival will begin! I am looking for people interested in leading a discussion for each of the (4) films shown. Below is the link for the…

ATTENTION United Methodist Students: Apply for Scholarships!

The United Methodist Board of Higher Education has several scholarships for the 2019-2020 academic year. You can apply online at The United Methodist Higher Education Foundation also has scholarships available for the 2019-2020 academic year. You can apply online for…

The Intramural Team has an Email Account!

HELLOOOO everybody! The Intramural Team is excited to announce that we have finally caught up with the times and have our very own EMAIL ADDRESS! WOOHOO! Our new fancy email is If you have any questions, concerns, remarks, ideas, thoughts,…

Feb. 9 – Smash Ultimate tournament in Stuyvesant Hall

Board Game Club will be hosting it’s first Smash Bros. Ultimate tournament this Saturday February 9th, in the Stuyvesant Lobby/Glassroom at 7:00. Admission is free, there will be pizza, and prizes for the top four participants at the tournament. Participants…

Open Casting Call for Student Led Film

The student production Team TORP would like to invite you to our first set of open auditions for the student led film, “Friday Night Live, A Love Story.” Auditions will be held on Tuesday, February 12th from 4pm to 6pm…