Category Student News & Events

Late Night Resumé Reviews – Location Changed

Is the cold holding you back from getting your resumé reviewed? Not anymore! Starting Tues., Feb. 12, Late Night Resumé Review sessions will be on the second floor of Smith in the main study area. Each review session will run…

Study Abroad in Tanzania and Change Your Life

The Ohio Wesleyan University semester-long program in Tanzania is accepting applications for the Spring 2020 program. The program is open to all majors and minors. Students complete an internship and take 3 courses: East African culture, which includes travels to…

Feb. 12- CoWs, Cheese and Cards

On Feb. 12 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., meet the members of the Citizens of the World House at our annual open house! Come have a grilled cheese (gluten free and vegan options available!), play some games and learn…

Feb. 7 – Study Away Q&A

Are you interested in studying abroad/away* next year? Here are two things you can do now to get started: 1. Attend the Study Away Q&A meeting this Thurs., Feb. 7 at 12:10 p.m. in Merrick Hall, Room 201. This meeting…

Open Casting Call for Student Led Film

The student production Team TORP would like to invite you to our first set of open auditions for the student led film, “Friday Night Live, A Love Story.” Auditions will be held on Tuesday, February 12th from 4pm to 6pm,…


There will be a Women in Science meeting this Friday in SCSC 163 at 12:10pm. Mickey Rice will be giving a presentation on the psychological aspects of love! We would love to see you all there! Pizza is provided! Start…

WCSA Full Senate Minutes: Jan. 21 and Jan. 28

In order to increase transparency between WCSA and the student body, WCSA full Senate minutes will be posted in the OWU Daily. Minutes are approved by the Senate at the following week’s meeting, so minutes will be posted one week…

Feb. 13- Join SAGE for a Lovely Open House!

Attention all feminists, LGBT community members, and allies, join SAGE for an open house!! We’ve got crafts, snacks, valentines, and lots and lots of love for YOU! Come learn more about what we do, what SLU life is like for…

Feb. 7 – Study Away Q&A

Are you interested in studying abroad/away* next year? Here are two things you can do now to get started: 1. Attend the Study Away Q&A meeting this Thurs., Feb. 7 at 12:10 p.m. in Merrick Hall, Room 201. This meeting…

Feb. 8 – Financial Planning for Study Abroad/Away Session

On Fri., Feb. 8 at 12:10 p.m. in Merrick Hall, Room 201, come and find out ways to make study away/abroad more affordable. Learn about scholarships-including the Freeman Asia, Gilman and Boren Programs-budgeting, affordable programs, billing and financial aid. OWU…