Category Student News & Events

WCSA Full Senate Minutes: 1/21 and 1/28

In order to increase transparency between WCSA and the student body, WCSA full Senate minutes will be posted in the OWU Daily. Minutes are approved by the Senate at the following week’s meeting, so minutes will be posted one week…

Leadership Fellowships Available NOW for 2019-2020

Develop the transferable skills and work experience employers want! Apply for an SIO Leadership Fellowship! Fellowships require 2 voluntary hours/week and tasks include developing leadership presentations, presenting at conferences, event planning, and more. Applications can be found at  and are due…

Open Casting Call for Student Led Film

The student production Team TORP would like to invite you to our first set of open auditions for the student led film, “Friday Night Live, A Love Story.” Auditions will be held on Tuesday, February 12th from 4pm to 6pm…

Feb. 10 – EXTENDED Deadline for Spring Break Externships!

The new application deadline for Spring Break Externships is Sun., Feb. 10! Looking for something to do over Spring Break (March 11-15)? Considering applying for an Externship. The Career Exploration Experience allows you to explore potential career paths, gain valuable…

Apply for President’s Club!

The President’s Club, a source of Ohio Wesleyan pride for over 30 years, is currently accepting applications for new members. Qualified students have leadership experience and potential, a professional and personable demeanor, campus involvement and a passion for OWU. If…

Feb. 13- Join SAGE for a Lovely Open House!

Attention all feminists, LGBT community members, and allies, join SAGE for an open house!! We’ve got crafts, snacks, valentines, and lots and lots of love for YOU! Come learn more about what we do, what SLU life is like for…

Feb. 14 – Kittens in Ham-Wil! (Avoid Atrium if Allergic)

Starting at noon on Thurs., Feb. 14, there will be kittens and cats for you to hold and cuddle with in the Ham-Wil Atrium as part of the February Funtrium series. IF YOU’RE ALLERGIC to cats, AVOID HAM-WIL on this…

WCSA Full Senate Minutes: Jan. 21 and Jan. 28

In order to increase transparency between WCSA and the student body, WCSA full Senate minutes will be posted in the OWU Daily. Minutes are approved by the Senate at the following week’s meeting, so minutes will be posted one week…

CEA Study Away Representative on campus Tuesday, February 12th

On Tuesday, February 12th CEA representative, Eric Shueller will be on campus. CEA offers numerous programs from Prague to Madrid to Aix-en-Provence. Eric will table in HWCC from 11:30-1:00pm and hold open office hours from 2:30-4:00 in Merrick. All CEA…

ATTENTION United Methodist Students: Apply for Scholarships!

The United Methodist Board of Higher Education has several scholarships for the 2019-2020 academic year. You can apply online at The United Methodist Higher Education Foundation also has scholarships available for the 2019-2020 academic year. You can apply online for…