Category Student News & Events

TODAY – Women in Science Meeting!

There is a Women in Science meeting TODAY in SCSC, Room 163 at 12:10 p.m.! Mickey Rice will be giving a presentation about the aspects of love from a psychology and neuroscience standpoint! We hope to see you there! Pizza…

Feb. 17 – Overnight Hosts Needed for Honors Scholars Day!

We are looking for current students who would like to host prospective students overnight on-campus for our Honors Scholars Day event on Feb. 17! Dinner coupons are included! Would you like to be paid to share your OWU pride with others?…

Apply to Live in P&J for Fall ’19 Spring ’20

Looking for a new living experience that promotes reflecting on concepts that will define our future? The House of Peace and Justice then is a great pick. With an over 30 year legacy at OWU this SLU promotes diversity, equity…

New Year, New You? Dietitian Here to Help!

The OWU Student Health Center has a dietitian on staff that you can meet with by appointment! Contact the Student Health Center at or call 740-368-3160, and they will coordinate an appointment between you and the dietitian. The fee is $15…

Feb. 12 – New York Arts Program Representative on Campus

The New York Arts Program representative, Theresa Ramirez, will be on campus Tues., Feb. 12. The New York Arts Program is our very own internship-based study away program in NYC. They provide internships in the visual arts, theater & dance,…

Feb. 12 @ Midnight – Deadline to Register for OWU Summit

You are invited to attend a special leadership development opportunity, the OWU Summit! This year the Summit will focus on StrengthsQuest, creating the opportunity for each student-leader to receive their personal “Top 5” strengths. Those who attend will learn how…

Show BUZZness radio show

Go to to listen to my first radio show on Monday 6-7pm for the latest news in music, movies, tv, and Broadway!   OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Radio Contact: Abbie Courtright at