Category Student News & Events

TODAY – New York Arts Program Representative on Campus

The New York Arts Program representative, Theresa Ramirez, will be on campus Tues., Feb. 12. The New York Arts Program is our very own internship-based study away program in NYC. They provide internships in the visual arts, theater & dance,…

Feb. 14 – Speakeasy: An Open Mic for Writers

Come join Writer’s Club for an open mic this Thurs., Feb. 14 from 7 to 8 p.m. in Ham-Wil’s second-floor Crider Lounge. Share your own writing in a judgment-free environment. Listen to other OWU writers share their own works. Or…

Feb. 15 – DEADLINE for Fall 2019 Study Abroad/Away

If you are interested in studying away/abroad for 2019-2020, there are THREE opportunities to meet with representatives from our study away partners/providers next week! 1.) Mon., Feb. 11: AIFS representative Damien Marshall will be on campus tabling from 11:30 a.m.…

Feb. 12 @ Midnight – Deadline to Register for OWU Summit

You are invited to attend a special leadership development opportunity, the OWU Summit! This year the Summit will focus on StrengthsQuest, creating the opportunity for each student-leader to receive their personal “Top 5” strengths. Those who attend will learn how…

Help Us Improve the Science Lecture Series!

In an effort to improve the Science Lecture Series, we are requesting feedback from faculty, staff and students. We would appreciate your help by filling out this short survey (link below). This survey is completely anonymous. If you have any…

Leadership Fellowships Available NOW for 2019-2020

Develop the transferable skills and work experience employers want! Apply for an SIO Leadership Fellowship! Fellowships require 2 voluntary hours/week and tasks include developing leadership presentations, presenting at conferences, event planning and more. Applications can be found at  and are due…

Today – CEA Study Away Representative on campus

On Tuesday, February 12th CEA representative, Eric Shueller will be on campus. CEA offers numerous programs from Prague to Madrid to Aix-en-Provence. Eric will table in HWCC from 11:30-1:00pm and hold open office hours from 2:30-4:00 in Merrick. All CEA…

Feb. 14 – Kittens in Ham-Wil! (Avoid Atrium if Allergic)

Starting at noon on Thurs., Feb. 14, there will be kittens and cats for you to hold and cuddle with in the Ham-Wil Atrium as part of the February Funtrium series. IF YOU’RE ALLERGIC to cats, AVOID HAM-WIL on this…

Valentines for Families at Ronald McDonald House

Mortar board will be tabling over the noon hour in Ham-Wil for students to sign Valentine’s Day cards for families at the Ronald McDonald House in Columbus, OH. The Ronald McDonald House allows families to stay close to their sick…

Today – Language Lovers! Join HOLD Open House!

Are you interested in different languages and cultures? Join our open house TODAY, Feb. 12 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.! Come meet linguistically-diverse House of Linguistic Diversity (HOLD) members and learn more about our house! We’re the blue house…