Category Student News & Events

i³ Voting Now Open

Vote today to see your favorite professors deliver 3-minute lectures at the fifth annual i³ event in September. Unfamiliar with i³? Check out our webpage here.

Fridays – CLEAR Club Meetings in Crider Lounge!

CLEAR (Choosing Learning Environments with Alcohol Respect) meets every Friday at 12:10 p.m. in Crider Lounge (2nd floor of Ham-Wil) and we’d love for you to join us! Meetings typically take approximately 30 minutes, and you’re free to eat your…

Join the Student Food Committee

If you are interested in voicing your opinion about all things food, please consider joining the Student Food Committee! If you are interested in joining, email! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: AVI Foodsystems. Contact: Alexis Roach at

WCSA Full Senate Minutes from Feb. 4 Meeting

In order to increase transparency between WCSA and the student body, WCSA full Senate minutes will be posted in the OWU Daily. Minutes are approved by the Senate at the following week’s meeting, so minutes will be posted one week…

Feb. 18 – Galentine’s Day with Delta Zeta: COB Event

Join the sisters of Delta Zeta on Feb. 18 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. for an evening of friends, food and fun! This will be a continuous open bidding event (COB). All unaffiliated women with an established OWU GPA…

Spring Break Dining Hall Hours

Friday, March 8: All locations normal hours besides Smith will close at 8:00 PM Starting on Sat., March 9 through Sat., March 16: Only Smith Dining will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 8:00…

Feb. 22 – Winter Blues Spin and Win in Ham-Wil

At noon on Fri., Feb. 22, come to the Ham-Wil Atrium to answer an OWU question and get a spin of the wheel. Fabulous prizes will be awarded on each spin! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student Involvement Office. Contact: Mona Spalsbury…


If you’re interested in feminism or our house mission statement, slush SAGE! Secure your interview spot now:  You will be emailed the application which should be filled out 48 hours prior to your scheduled interview time slot. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office:…