Category Student News & Events

Looking for Mentors for the OMSA Summer Bridge Program!

The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs (OMSA) seeks energetic and enthusiastic students interested in making a positive impact on the next generation of Bishops! Mentors for SBP serve as important ambassadors and role-models to incoming first-year students. This position is…

Apply for a 2019-20 Leadership Fellowship

Stop by the Leadership Fellows table this week in the Ham-Wil Atrium over the noon hour. Learn how to develop the transferable skills and work experience employers want from students who currently hold a Fellowship. Fellowships require two voluntary hours…

TONIGHT – Resume Help Before Internship & Summer Job Fair!

Is YOUR resume ready for the Internship & Summer Job Fair? If not, there’s still time! Come to the Late Night Resume Review session in Smith Hall, 2nd floor study area. Career Services intern Ingrid Hanson will be there tonight…

Feb. 28 – Deadline for Emily Fitton Prize Paper Award

Established by alumna Emily Fitton, this award is granted to the sociology/anthropology student who completes the most outstanding research paper in a sociology/anthropology course. Guidelines: • The paper should deal with a sociological/anthropological issue. • The paper must be from…

Diversity Credit Survey

Hello! Last semester we sent out a survey asking questions surrounding our current Diversity Requirement. We are continuing to work on this project surrounding the diversity credit and would love more student feedback. As it stands the current Diversity Credit…

Feb. 22 – Babbling Bishops February Show

Did your lover disappoint you this Valentine’s Day? Are you more lonely than a cactus in Antarctica? Do you suffer from mesothelioma? If you fit one, none or all of these conditions, come on down to Milligan Hub for the…

Join the Student Food Committee

If you are interested in voicing your opinion about all things food, please consider joining the Student Food Committee! If you are interested in joining, email! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: AVI Foodsystems. Contact: Alexis Roach at