Category Student News & Events

Looking for Mentors for the OMSA Summer Bridge Program!

The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs (OMSA) seeks energetic and enthusiastic students interested in making a positive impact on the next generation of Bishops! Mentors for SBP serve as important ambassadors and role-models to incoming first-year students. This position is…


Looking for a job or summer internship? THE INTERNSHIP AND JOB FAIR will be held in the Benes Rooms from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. TODAY, WED., FEB. 20! This event only comes around twice a year, so be sure…

WCSA Full Senate Minutes from Feb. 11 Meeting

In order to increase transparency between WCSA and the student body, WCSA full Senate minutes will be posted in the OWU Daily. Minutes are approved by the Senate at the following week’s meeting, so minutes will be posted one week…

Feb. 20 – Student Open Forum on New Housing Plans

Join us tonight! President Rock Jones and other administrators will reveal what is being planned for renewal of our housing facilities, including new apartments! Come get the info first-hand and learn what exciting things are in store in the very…

TODAY – Theory-to-Practice Grant Information Session

Students who want to know more about what might make or break a Theory-to-Practice Grant should attend an information session (which will include time for questions). One is TODAY, Tues., Feb. 19 at 4 p.m. in Merrick Hall, Room 106.…

Feb. 20 – Student Open Forum on New Housing Plans

President Rock Jones and other administrators will reveal what is being planned for renewal of our housing facilities, including new apartments! Come get the info first-hand and learn what exciting things are in store in the very near future. Desserts…

Feb. 20 – Mock Convention 2020 Informational Meeting

WHAT IS THE MOCK CONVENTION? In the spring of each presidential election year, the Ohio Wesleyan community spends two days engaged in a realistic simulation of a national political party’s convention. The party currently out of the White House is…

ATTENTION United Methodist Students – Apply for Scholarships!

The United Methodist Board of Higher Education has several scholarships available for the 2019-2020 academic year. You can apply online at The United Methodist Higher Education Foundation also has scholarships available for the 2019-2020 academic year. You can apply online…