Category Student News & Events

APPLY for Student Honors Board!

Did you enjoy the Life Raft Debate? Wish that you could organize the event for next year? Want to participate in programming events for your fellow Honors students? Want to help in influencing University Policy towards the Honors Program? Now…

March 1 – Women in Science Meeting!

There will be a WINS meeting this Fri., March 1 at noon in SCSC, Room 163. We will discuss leadership positions within the club and upcoming elections! Pizza is provided! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Women in Science. Contact: Sabrina Amato at

AVI Fresh Spring Break Dining Hours

Fri., March 8: Smith will close at 8:00 p.m. Sat., March 9 – Sat., March 16: Smith Dining will only be open: Brunch: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Dinner: 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Sun., March 17: Smith will only…

REGISTER by MARCH 6 for Spring Break Housing!

Residence Halls will close for Spring Break on Sat., March 9 at 12 p.m. Planning to stay on campus over Spring Break? You must register with the Office of Residential Life by March 6. All student ID cards will be…

TODAY! – Network with Jim Mendenhall ’73!

Jim Mendenhall ’73 majored in Botany and Bacteriology. He has had an extensive career in the pharmaceuticals industry and international experience in sales management. A Delaware native and first generation OWU graduate, Jim currently works in philanthropy for the Columbus…

March 5 – Lunchtime OWU BINGO!

At noon on Tues., March 5, bring your lunch to the Ham-Wil Atrium and come play OWU Bingo. Fabulous prizes will be awarded! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student Involvement Office. Contact: Mona Spalsbury at

JUNIORS! Vote for Next Year’s Senior Class Council!

Hey juniors! Today is the final day to vote for your 2020 Senior Class Council! Here are the instructions for voting: 1. Login to  2. Open the menu in the upper left corner and choose Quick Links. 3. In the…

Research on Women in Campus Leadership!

Hello! I am Katie Kuckelheim, a senior communication major, working on my senior capstone. I am conducting research on cis female students in leadership on campus and how gender makeup of the group affects communication styles. I am currently looking…

Want More Dining Dollars?

Become a student team member with AVI Fresh and earn Bonus Bucks along with your pay! Contact AVI Fresh Management at for more information about this new program! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: AVI Foodsystems. Contact: Alexis Roach at

March 2 – HBC’s Open House!

All are welcomed to come visit the House of Black Culture during our March 2 open house. Stop by to learn more information about the history of HBC and how to apply to live in HBC next fall. To all…